Saturday, April 9, 2011

How safe are buying cialis soft tabs over the internet?


Dont you charge a prescription for this?


Don't accomplish it. Ever. It's a scam. You'll amuse peppermint candies or worse for your almighty dollar. You charge a prescription for Cialis. Activity to your doctor. Never, never, never acquire Viagra or Cialis on the internet.

Colorado City

Buy cialis soft tabs. www. vispecialists. com/b…


I indeed bought cialis online from some place in india, it wasnt cheap and it took over a month however when they finally came they worked good. So.. take it for what it is however it worked for me..

Des Lacs

I wouldn't recommend it as you could seriously reason yourself harm. How could you be sure you got the right drug. I was amazed when my boyfriend got them. I was afraid for him. He was fortunate not to own any ill thing.

Mountain City

Get a prescription from your Dr It's alone approximately 5% added for the real thing Ace is your Dr knows what other meds that your taking that "Might" reason a lethal side aftereffect IT AIN'T worth the risk In my condition, my ins. co. pays, for 1/2 of my script for the real thing The phoney stuff price 40% added with a $100 or added min course.


nope, how accomplish you understand it is real? see parade magazine this former Sunday.


Assuming they come from a lab or pharmacy, they should be safe. Aloof constitute sure the address is within the United States, or they may amuse held at the boarder. When you course them, you charge to specify that you own "Erectile Dysfunction" on the health questionairre. No prescription needed.


Theres been a vast access in counterfeit drugs recently...especially in this drug group. I wouldnt acquire it off an internet site. Cialis does require a prescription in the US.

Red Bank

It is not. These drugs are alone for person's with ED. Provided you own ED you should be screened by a doctor. Erections are amusing when you want them, however not even fen when they aching or you can't amuse rid on them. Too as one return put it all drugs are poison your liver has to clean the drug outside of your system and the added you buzz your liver to accomplish the quicker it could amuse worn outside. Oh and too your possible to amuse ripped off or worse.


Bottom border: all drugs are poison. So...the question safe accomplish you air approximately buying any anatomy of poison and then eating it?

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