Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Prostate Cure - Read this

This is my story and I intend to share it with the world. I dedicate this article and all my future work to those who suffer and continue to suffer by being misinformed when it comes to prostate problem diagnosis.

I am currently 52 years of age ,6' 3" tall and weigh 245 lbs. I work out daily and have since I was 16 years old. I have always had a super active sex life and comtinue to enjoy it daily. I am self employed and hold 38 patents . I enjoy life to it's fullest and believe in "Eating dessert first". One of my most prominent  inventions was a penile clamp for male incontinence in the early nineties that brought me in the forefront of the prostate cancer industry.

With the promotion of this device I was made aware of the suffering that men endure with radical prostectomies and it literally frightened me. Little did I ever think that i would learn later that 80 to 90% of these men never needed a radical prostectomy let alone very little treatment. Shocking as this sounds, one has to understand that an entire industry was born with the advent of the PSA test . The medical industry uses and has used this unreliable test to share millions of unsuspecting men into undergoing needless biopsies and prostectomies. In fact ,I was about to be run through the so called "prostate cancer scare mill" myself until I decided to make myself completely aware as to what is going on. The doctors and this entire industry make no money on well individuals, only on so called sick ones.

It began with a routine visit to my regular doctor. My blood test came back with a PSA of 35. Oh my God, everyone around me wrote me off as either dying or having to look forward to losing some of my pieces. No way was I going to consider those options as I have way too much to live for. The first thing that came to my mind was prostatitis. With any bacterial infection this condition will raise the PSA to high levels and can or cannot be treated successfully wih antibiotics. Some guys live with this for 30 or more years with consistently high PSA levels into the 90-100 ranges. Yes ! Do you think the doctors will tell you this NO! I made an appointment with a local urologist which I wouldn't even mention as he just made the sitiuation worse. He gave me a basic prostate exam claiming he felt a firm right lobe in my prostate with a 5 second exam. He them scheduled me for a biopsy which he told me would cause bleeding rectally,semenally,and in my urine. I immmediately thought and asked him that if indeed there were any cancer cells wouldn't it be likely they would drag them though your large intestine and maybe spread them thoughout your entie body? He wouldn't answer and said he could only use the tools available to him locally..Wrong Answer. I then immediately left his office in a rage and decided to pursue other options.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Your Daily Diet May Be Having Adverse Effects On Your Health

Living a clean and healthy life is not just about making sure you are getting the exercise that you need to have every day. Exercise is just one single part of getting and staying healthy, simply because what you eat is also going to have an impact on your health.  Even if you think your eating a healthy diet, you will most likely find that a few of the foods you are eating can be harmful for your overall health. For individuals who could be confused and not sure what you should and shouldn't be eating, we are going over that in the following paragraphs.

The fast Food Restaurants are one of those things that folks try to stay away from, nevertheless most folks still stop by to grab a quick lunch a small number of times a week.  You have to realize that just simply because there are vegetables on your cheeseburger, this does not mean that this is really a healthy meal specifically when you top it off with an order of fries.  In case you are trying to convince yourself otherwise, you are not really fooling anybody else but yourself.  You have to realize that fast food may be convenient, but the negative effects it can have on your health may actually be detrimental.

Preparing your own home cooked dishes each day and packing a lunch is your best bet.  One more thing you're going to find when you prepare your own meals at home is you can still have cheeseburgers and chicken wings, you simply need to prepare them in a healthy way.  For example making a cheeseburger at home can be achieved healthy if you simply elect to make use of lean meat.  I am certain you already realize that if you prepare a cheeseburger using 95% lean beef, this is really a much healthier option than obtaining a greasy burger at a fast food place.  Obviously the same goes for all those scrumptious chicken wings, instead of restaurant's that cook the wings in grease, baking them is actually a much healthier option.

Something that plenty of men and women actually pay no mind to are fruits and vegetables and they also do not worry about receiving the proper amount of these items. This is something which is going to help your overall health as quite a lot of the vitamins and minerals your body requires every single day are discovered in these types of foods. We want to say a quick word about our conversation african mango diet. Take a look at what is happening on your end, and that may help you to perfect what you need. The most innocuous details can sometimes hold the most crucial keys as well as the greatest power. Specifically how they effect what you do is one thing you need to carefully think about. Here are a number of more equally important highlights on this significant topic. A lot of men and women who don't get the proper amount of veggie's and fruits are clearly not receiving the essential vitamins and minerals they need in order to fight off sickness as well as diseases.  Another thing you may want to keep in mind is that if you just do not like vegetables and fruits, you will still most likely be able to choke down a healthy vegetable and fruit drink.

Should you genuinely want to live a healthy existence the recommendations above should have the ability to help.  Obviously there are many other things which you can do to be sure your living healthy life, but these suggestions should get you started.  You ought to also not forget about getting exercise every day as this too may have a positive effect on your overall health.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Cellular Abnormalities and Excess Fat - Canada Pharmacy Evaluates Type 2 Diabetes Risk

What happens when fat cells in the body start malfunctioning? They lose the capacity to store the right amount. Obesity then leads to metabolic disorders including type 2 diabetes. Swedish researchers conducted a study to identify malfunctions, and our Canada pharmacy evaluates how far findings can lead to new therapy development with the aim of targeting such irregularities.

Longer the Obesity Period Greater the Risk of Type 2 Diabetics

If a person is obese for a longer period of time, risk of developing type 2 diabetes increases. In other words, just one reading of body mass index indicating obesity does not really mean a person is likely to get type 2 diabetes. Researchers from the University of Michigan established that both the degree of obesity as well as length of time contribute to increasing the risk of lifestyle diseases like diabetes.

Findings of the study were published in Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine suggesting doctors needed to assess both factors before asking patients to make lifestyle changes to avoid diabetes. Over 8,000 adolescents and young adults participated in the study. Measurements of BMI as well as parameters during the period participants were overweight presented a composite figure, according to our canada pharmacy, one which was more accurate in predicting risk of type 2 diabetes.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Why is impotence common in men with type-2 diabetes?

Erectile dysfunction - GDP (genesis, diagnosis, and prognosis)

"Erectile dysfunction" is the last word that any man would want to hear. It is of no big surprise that this type of sexual dysfunction is surrounded by number of misconceptions. But recent medical discoveries have shed more light on the causes of erectile dysfunction. It is no longer a matter of shame or embarrassment that ought to be kept under wraps forever. Earlier, it was believed that impotence is only found in older men and that age contributes to the development of this condition. But it has been found that erectile dysfunction is also prevalent among younger men. Certain lifestyle patterns and psychological issues can make young men vulnerable to this problem.

How impotence develops

An erection is an inseparable part of sex. The science behind erection is that when sexually aroused, the brain sends reflexes to blood vessels via nerves to relax and let blood flow to the penis. The twin chambers inside the penis are known as corpus cavernosa. As blood enters these chambers, they expand and produce an erection. Blood is prevented from draining out again by valves present in the penis. A whole host of sequential processes work in conjunction to bring about an erection; so a little disruption in any of these processes can lead to failure in getting an erection. Any health condition that disrupts the free flow of blood either by calcifying the arteries or blocking the arteries can also cause erectile problems. Stress, depression, anxiety, relationship problems, and lack of interest in sex are some of the psychological problems that can also lead to impotence.

Erectile dysfunction - Diagnosis