This is my story and I intend to share it with the world. I dedicate this article and all my future work to those who suffer and continue to suffer by being misinformed when it comes to prostate problem diagnosis.
I am currently 52 years of age ,6' 3" tall and weigh 245 lbs. I work out daily and have since I was 16 years old. I have always had a super active sex life and comtinue to enjoy it daily. I am self employed and hold 38 patents . I enjoy life to it's fullest and believe in "Eating dessert first". One of my most prominent inventions was a penile clamp for male incontinence in the early nineties that brought me in the forefront of the prostate cancer industry.
With the promotion of this device I was made aware of the suffering that men endure with radical prostectomies and it literally frightened me. Little did I ever think that i would learn later that 80 to 90% of these men never needed a radical prostectomy let alone very little treatment. Shocking as this sounds, one has to understand that an entire industry was born with the advent of the PSA test . The medical industry uses and has used this unreliable test to share millions of unsuspecting men into undergoing needless biopsies and prostectomies. In fact ,I was about to be run through the so called "prostate cancer scare mill" myself until I decided to make myself completely aware as to what is going on. The doctors and this entire industry make no money on well individuals, only on so called sick ones.
It began with a routine visit to my regular doctor. My blood test came back with a PSA of 35. Oh my God, everyone around me wrote me off as either dying or having to look forward to losing some of my pieces. No way was I going to consider those options as I have way too much to live for. The first thing that came to my mind was prostatitis. With any bacterial infection this condition will raise the PSA to high levels and can or cannot be treated successfully wih antibiotics. Some guys live with this for 30 or more years with consistently high PSA levels into the 90-100 ranges. Yes ! Do you think the doctors will tell you this NO! I made an appointment with a local urologist which I wouldn't even mention as he just made the sitiuation worse. He gave me a basic prostate exam claiming he felt a firm right lobe in my prostate with a 5 second exam. He them scheduled me for a biopsy which he told me would cause bleeding rectally,semenally,and in my urine. I immmediately thought and asked him that if indeed there were any cancer cells wouldn't it be likely they would drag them though your large intestine and maybe spread them thoughout your entie body? He wouldn't answer and said he could only use the tools available to him locally..Wrong Answer. I then immediately left his office in a rage and decided to pursue other options.