Do you want to know more about prostatitis?
Most men suffers can not know what prostatitis is , while , millions of men in this world have gained this disease each year . Knowledge about prostatitis can be got from this article . The different types of treatment of prostatitis can be the reference to the prostatits suffers in their life , when they are struggling to find the best treatment , why not read more in this article? It is the simplest way for them to get know how to eradicate this stubborn disease . I will introduce some new treatment method about prostatitis in this aritcle , I think it is a very fasbulous way for all the prostatitis suffers to know the new and effect treatment of prostatitis .
The definition of prostatitis
Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate that may be caused by an infection. The prostate is a male-specific gonadal organ and the prostate gland itself is said to be about the size of a "walnut", with bottom up, and it is close to the bladder. So the prostatitis is often coinfected with cystitis. The prostatic apex stands downwards and the front part is inside the public symphysis. So, the patients with prostatitis often have lower abdominal pain and slight tenderness. The back of the prostate gland is close to the rectum, so long-term constipation or colitis would cause prostatitis. The urethra goes through the prostate gland, and the stimulation of inflammation to prostate makes the gland dropsical and obese, which constricts the urethra and hinders urination.
The prostate gland is a human genital gland. It produces prostatic fluid, which is the main component of semen. The hormones secreted by prostate have a variety of physiological functions. The seminal vesicles and prostate are anatomically close to each other. The ejaculatory duct is made up of the excretory duct of the seminal vesicle and the end of seminal duct. The ejaculatory duct goes through the prostate into the urethra. So the prostatitisis often associated with seminal vesiculitis.
If men can not get the instant cure of prostatitis , they will get more and more severe conditions , and some will develop into male infertility and some fatal diseases . The following are the complications of prostatitis .
The complications of prostatitis
A number of complications may result from prostatitis.
1The complications of acute prostatitis
Complications of acute bacterial prostatitismay include:
(1) dysuria, or acute urinary retention.